What Type of Channel Letter Should You Use for Your Business?

Sep 05, 2022

Research shows that 90% of information sent to our brain is visual. This is one of the vital reasons it’s important to invest in good visual displays. Such is the role of signage for businesses in San Antonio.

Signs let you show off your business in a visual manner. They adorn your establishment from your outdoor to your indoor space. Among the many sign options, you can get, channel letter signs give you an excellent visual impact.

Whether you need aluminum or acrylic channel letters, Texas Best Signs can help! Let’s look at what you can get for your business.

Front-Lit Channel Letters

These are the standard type for channel signs. Front-lit letters have an acrylic front face and aluminum backing and sides. These signs have LED lights installed within each letter, illuminating the sign from within.

These three-dimensional signs are highly customizable. Each letter or character can be made to match your specific design. With the front face lit, this makes each element clear and prominent. As a result, front-lit channel letters are easy to read, even from a distance.

Halo-Lit Channel Letters

Just like front-lit letters, these are also 3D signs. However, instead of being illuminated from within, LED lights are installed at the back of each letter or character customized logo. They are also mounted inches away from the wall or back panel.

What this does is create a glow, or “halo” effect around the letters or characters logo of the sign. This leaves the sign’s front face dark, especially at night. This effect of the aluminum or acrylic channel letters can be installed indoors making your business even harder to miss and more eye-catching.

Front-Lit/Reverse Channel Letters

When you want a bright and vibrant sign, these are an excellent choice. As the name suggests, these signs are a combination of front-lit and halo-lit channel letters. This means they are illuminated from within as well as from behind each letter or character.

These are perfect when you want added visibility. They shine brightly from day to night.

Open-Faced Channel Letters

As the name suggests, these signs have an open front face. With no acrylic or aluminum covering the front, it leaves the LED lights exposed inside. The returns or sides are also left shorter, giving the LEDs more visibility. This results in an effect that’s attractive and bright.

These signs are the best choice for businesses that are open at night. They leave a more dramatic, vintage look. This is perfect for restaurants, bars, movie theaters, and the like. Open-faced channel letters are the best when you want extended nighttime visibility.

Your Source for High-Quality Channel Letter Signs

Whether you need halo-lit or front-lit/reverse channel letters, Texas Best Signs is here to help.

Our team will work closely with you to create signs that get you noticed in San Antonio. We make sure that our signs are well-made, using premium materials, to leave a lasting impression on your customers.

Contact us today about your channel letter needs and we’ll give you a free estimate.

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